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Habits and Goals
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  • Habits and Goals

Use This Framework to Become More Efficient

By Craig Groeschel • April 15, 2024

I’ve created a four-tier system that my team and I use as a filter for every task. Read More

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  • Habits and Goals

3 Keys to Becoming More Consistent

By Craig Groeschel • December 20, 2023

There are a variety of things I used to do sporadically but today do consistently. What happened? I learned three principles that changed my life: Read More

  • Habits and Goals

The Biggest Reason You Will (or Won’t) Hit Your 2023 Goals

By Craig Groeschel • January 11, 2023

How do successful people consistently achieve their goals? In this post I outline the biggest reason you will or won't succeed in 2023. Read More

  • Habits and Goals
  • Growth

5 Practical Ways to Avoid Distractions and Increase Focus

By Craig Groeschel • December 11, 2022

Which tasks you do are often more important than how many tasks you do. In this post, I share five ways to eliminate distractions and increase focus. Read More

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  • Habits and Goals

2 Surprising Changes That Will Prepare You for an Enduring Marriage

By Craig Groeschel • November 11, 2022

If you want a strong marriage someday, make intentional decisions today. Today, I share two changes that helped Amy and I lay a strong foundation for marriage. Read More


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