The Benefit of Doubt

In The Benefit of Doubt, you’ll find that God can handle your difficult questions and use them to deepen your relationship with Him.

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At some point, most of us have had questions about Christianity and doubts about God.

And yet we feel alone in our doubts, wondering if we’ll ever find the answers and afraid to share our deepest questions with those around us.

In The Benefit of Doubt, bestselling author and pastor Craig Groeschel shares stories from his life and the Bible to teach us that doubts don’t have to take us away from God; instead, our doubts can actually draw us closer to God. Groeschel helps us examine and think through the most common questions we wrestle with when we doubt:

  • What should I do when I doubt God’s goodness?
  • Why doesn’t God answer my prayers?
  • Doesn’t science disprove the Bible?
  • Why would God provide only one way to heaven?
  • Why believe in Jesus when his followers are such hypocrites?
  • Why does God sometimes feel so far away?


Your doubts and questions don’t disqualify you from a close relationship with God. The Benefit of Doubt reveals how journeying through doubt can lead to a deeper faith than you ever imagined.

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Tools for Facing Doubt

You don’t have to face doubts alone—these free resources are here to help you. Explore videos, wallpapers, a devotional, and more.

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The Benefit of Doubt on Audible

With additional bonus content not found in the book, Craig Groeschel narrates The Benefit of Doubt with humor and warmth. Explore your doubts and disbelief with Craig as your guide.

Listen on Audible
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The Benefit of Doubt Workbook

With thoughtful questions and opportunities to understand your doubts, use it as a companion to the book to experience the benefit of doubt.

Get the Workbook
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El beneficio de dudar

The Spanish translation of The Benefit of Doubt, El beneficio de dudar reveals how journeying through doubt can lead to a deeper faith than you ever imagined.

Get Your Spanish Copy

I walked through a season of doubt in my life, and I would have given anything to have a guide like this through it! Thank you, Craig, for normalizing these struggles and not leaving people there but giving them handles and a way to connect with God in a deeper way through it.

Jennie Allen
Founder and visionary, IF:Gathering and Gather25; New York Times bestselling author

In every question there is a quest! I’m grateful for how Pastor Craig reminds us of the hope we have in Jesus while navigating the daunting journey through our days of doubt.

Tim Tebow
Founder, Tim Tebow Foundation

Do you worry that your faith isn’t strong enough? Craig Groeschel has written The Benefit of Doubt for you. Read it and see that doubts are nothing to fear—in fact, they can be your path to the rock-solid faith you’ve always wanted.

Arthur C. Brooks
Harvard professor; #1 New York Times bestselling author

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